Read all the divine articles written by Gurudev Siyag
When a human being is born, he is totally unaware of the worldly knowledge. He first of all learns about the physical world from his parents. His first Guru are his parents. The he goes to school to get further physical knowledge from the school teachers. This way as his knowledge grows, spiritual world starts attracting him.
I, in the initial stages of my life have been an atheist. I didn’t believe in any such power called GOD. I believed only in the power of human beings because at the very beginning of my job, I came in touch with people who worked for Worker’s Union.
I can see that the people of this age, when they read or hear about ‘Naam Khumari’ (Intoxication due to divine name) or ‘Naam Amaal’ mentioned by Saint Kabir and Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj, they are not able to believe it.
Human species is the best among all kinds of living beings. Human body is the best form of GOD. Direct experience of GOD and Self realization is possible only in human body and liberation is impossible without it.
This way the awakening of only the first soul is difficult.Just the way it doesn’t take time to lit a number of lamps once the first one is lit, in the same way one lit lamp can remove the darkness in the world by lighting up countless lamps.
India remained a slave for centuries which led to darkness setting here on this holy land. Except for ‘Vedantis’, followers of all the religions of the world have until now developed till ‘Dwait-Bhav’ (Duality). Today in India also ‘Dwait-Bhav’(State of duality) is popular.
The origin of ‘word’ is a gift of the Supreme Power. Every letter represents power of some kind. All the powers exist within the human body. Each kind of power has its distinct location in the body.
In the Master-disciple (Guru-Shishya) tradition, initiation is a rule. Among all types of initiations, ‘Shaktipat’ initiation is the best. In ‘Shaktipat’ initiation, Guru by his own wish awakens the kundalini of the seeker by any one of the four ways- 1) By touch 2) By sight 3) By word (Mantra) 4) By resolve.
Bhagawan Shri Krishna has clearly mentioned in the 39th Shlok (Verse) of Chapter 10 in ‘Geeta’ (An Indian Scripture) Yaccapi sarva-bhutanam bijam tad aham arjuna Na tadasti vina yatsyanmaya bhutam caracaram (10:39)
The spiritual world in India is in complete darkness right now. Till the common citizens of India accept this weakness from within and try to get rid off it by collective efforts, this terrible darkness is not going to be dispelled.
In this era spiritual life has been explained in a very strange way. Because of this imaginary and untrue description of spiritual life, people of this era consider spirituality as meaningless and a pretense.
Spiritual consciousness spreads by the efforts of divine power. The efforts made by human intelligence cannot be meaningful in it. Human effort can maximum be described as publicity with the help of scientific equipments.
At this time the condition of all the religious preachers of all the religions is the same. All of them sing the glories of the avatars, prophets and saints of the past.
All the major religions in the world, despite their intrinsic mutual differences, hold a unanimous view that the entire universe with its animate and inanimate parts was created out of a divine word. The Hindu or Vedic religion is no exception to this concept of God being the divine word of our origin. It acknowledges Om as the sacred syllable — the divine sound out of which God created this universe.
From the very beginning, I have made it clear that I have never ever studied any religious scriptures. Human effort or intellect didn’t play any role in whatever I have received. I kept receiving everything unintentionally.
We can see that everything in the world is perishable. All of our saints have said that HE is immortal. Without attaining him, absolute peace is impossible. bg-soft-success.
The rules for doing work in human life have been decided according to his progressive development. Keeping in mind the physical and intellectual growth, the entire human life has been decided into four ‘ashram’ (stages) - Brahmcharya, Grahasth, Vaanprasth and Sanyaas.
The last part of the Bible is actually the soul of the Bible. Saint John was a very great saint. He was the spiritual master of Jesus Christ. The way our history informs us that Lord Shri Ram and Shri Krishna had to accept Guru.
Amongst all the living beings in this world, the human being is the supreme. Salvation can be attained only through human life. The human species is at such a turning point from where if he performs good deeds then by continuously ascending
In religious scriptures glories of Guru has been sung immensely. The position of Guru has been accepted as higher than GOD. We can see that everything in the world is perishable. All of our saints have said that Guru is immortal. Without attaining him, absolute peace is impossible.
If a disciple is a spiritualist in a true sense then he is directly connected to the Soul and the Super Soul element within his body. This element is responsible for everything in this world. That is why it is possible to have knowledge of the past and future.
Maharishi Aurobindo proclaimed that only India will bring God on earth. Maharishi Aurobindo said that darkness has set in in a solid form and it is now impossible for the saints to bring peace.
Everything I have written in the previous pages is entirely based on my direct experience. In order to explain the ground reality that exists in the spiritual world today in this world and the real truth in a comparative form, I was forced to resort to the critical style of writing.
I continued falling from the highest peak of consciousness, that is, from infinite height for a very long time in the form of an eight-to-nine-month-old infant facing upwards. There was a constant fear that my bones will break into pieces the moment I will fall on the ground.
At present, only material happiness is being termed as bliss by the people of the world. The difference between bliss and material happiness is like day and night. The bliss stays in a constant state throughout life but the state of happiness continuously changes.
Everything in this world is perishable but the fruit of devotion to God never perishes. It keeps on increasing in every birth. In this relation Arjun asked Bhagwan Shri Krishna -
The descent that is occurring from above and the process that is making it happen, in this, the most important thing is to not depend completely on yourself instead rely on the Guru.
The world is a cycle of birth and death. Clarifying this, Bhagwan Shri Krishna in chapter 15 of the Bhagwad Geeta has said -
Darkness and light are two opposite things. These two cannot stay at the same place. Light gives fearlessness, new vigour, and consciousness whereas darkness is a symbol of fear, despair, and absence of consciousness.
There is no action in the world that is not flawed. In every action, the qualities and flaws are intertwined in such a manner that it is impossible to separate them.
In the present times, all the religious teachers are using logic, oratory and ostentation to teach spirituality in the world. They are describing religion in such a twisted manner
In the first verse of the fifth chapter of Bhagvad Geeta, Arjun asked Bhagwan Shri Krishna- Shree Krishna, You praised the path of renunciation of actions (karm sannyas)
Every comfort of the world and freedom from all kinds of troubles can be obtained by worshipping God.
There has never been as much ‘Tamasikta’ in India in any era as it is today. The distrust that prevails in the country today was never there before.
The saying that not even a leaf moves without the will of God is completely true. Bhagwan Shri Krishna has clearly stated in the eleventh chapter in the Bhagwat Geeta-
Due to the firm and unyielding principle of rise and fall of nature, the Yoga philosophy has almost disappeared whereas Physical Science has advanced a lot.
In Vedic religion or we can say in Hindu religion, the position of a spiritual master has been considered greater than that that of God.
Bhagwan has made it very clear that God seated within the body of all beings that is like an instrument, drives everyone according to HIS will, by putting them under delusion.
Today, due to the characteristics of Kaliyug (Iron Age), the principles of virtues like peace, love, cooperation, non-violence, brotherhood, humanity, etc. have become extremely ineffective
Whatever the people of the world have been doing and what they are going to do in the future, it is all predetermined.
Every change in the world is predetermined. In this way, the entire life of all the creatures, from birth till death, is managed by a predetermined order.
Today, a strange kind of condition exists for spirituality in all the religions of the world.
All of our religious scriptures repeatedly ask us to know ourselves. Self-realization is impossible without knowing- Who you are and where have you come from?
The knowledge of the ‘mantra’ has been there in our country since time immemorial. Based on the principle of the origin of the universe from the ‘word’, our Rishis have created the ‘mantras’
The advancement of science in today’s world has promoted realism on the one hand and has invalidated the subjects of Indian philosophy like soul, super soul, reincarnation, fruits of Karmas, etc. on the other.
This world is a very strange mystery. The Supreme Power has made such an arrangement through his illusory energy consisting of three Gunas (Trigunmaye Maya) that although there is no difference between the doer and the experiencer, they appear as different.
The time of spiritual practice in a person’s life starts from his youth. It is important for youth to have spiritual knowledge along with worldly knowledge as the youth is preparing to enter worldly life at this age.
Bhagwan Shri Krishna has described three kinds of people in the Bhagwat Geeta. While describing them, HE says-
Today, ‘Dharma’ has disappeared from the world. All the religious preachers of the world declare that violence has no place in their religion then who is organizing the genocide that is occurring in the world!
Many of our saints have sung the glories of God. Everyone has sung the praises of God’s name according to their own experiences.
Phobia is a disease whose cure has not been found so far by physical science. It is an inexplicable fear and anxiety disorder. One of my disciples, a young boy of barely 25-26 years, was suffering from a phobia for the last 7 to 8 years.
Male and female forces are the reason for the birth of all beings on earth. This world that we see today has been created by the cooperation of both these forces.
After reading the Bible, I felt as if it is a replica of Sanatan Dharm. The sermons of Jesus give a glimpse of a Hindu saint.
Bible is a holy book of prophecies. It has prophecies from the origin of the universe up to the complete evolution of mankind.
So long as the rulers of India governed according to the orders of saints, the country remained prosperous in all aspects. As soon as the rulers started ignoring the commands of the saints, their decline started.
Certainly, India is in the complete grip of the ‘Tamsik’ forces. Just as the elephant (mentioned in the ancient scripture ‘Shrimad Bhagwatam’) was drowning in the ocean, so is India drowning in the darkness
The wheel of time moves incessantly without interruption. Everything in this world is transitory. Balance of power is a sign of peace. Imbalance is the cause of disquietude and misery.
Change of era is related to the whole world. It is in no way related to the awakening of people of a particular region of the earth. The change of era is impossible without the descent of the Supreme Power.
The next step in evolution will take the man to higher and greater consciousness and he will start solving those problems that have confounded and troubled him since he began to think about individual perfection and ideal society.
In this era, people are not able to understand the meaning of ‘Satsang’. Some people consider waking up all night to sing devotional songs as ‘Satsang’.
Bhagwan Shri Krishna has called the above three tendencies (lust, anger, and greed) the doors to hell. While describing the people having such demonic tendencies, Bhagwan has said-
Vishnu Purana clearly states that the qualities of Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya totally degenerate in the Kali-Yuga, only the society of ‘Shudra’ remains.
What God is going to get done through an ordinary man like me is a matter of great surprise. If I tell an ordinary man of this world, all that is going to be accomplished through me, I would definitely be declared insane.
There is a lot of discussion going on between the ruling and the opposition party about the status of India in the world in the 21st century.
Incidentally, I got to read St. John’s ‘The path of life’ in 1984 but I had started having direct experience and realization of things described in the Bible much before.
The religious teachers of today do not talk about Self-realization. They sing the glories of God. Based on logic, and web of words, they describe God in a new way every day to keep the people engaged intellectually.
In Bhagwat Geeta, which is the most supreme scripture of the ‘Sanatan Dharm’, Bhagwan Shri Krishna while amply describing reincarnation has said-
Peace and joy are derived by man from within his heart. They are not at all related to physical comforts. It is impossible to attain true peace and joy by a man of this world unless a perfect balance is attained within and without.
I have observed that people of this era are unable to believe when they hear or read about ‘Naam Khumari’ and ‘Naam Amal’ (Intoxicating joy due to God’s name) as narrated by saints Nanak and Kabeer.
The third world war will be fought between violent and non-violent elements. The last two world wars were also fought between the violent and non-violent elements and at that time too the violent ‘Nazis’ faced their downfall.
Newton said, “When I look back at my entire life, I feel that like an innocent child, I kept collecting shells near the seashore.
The wheel of time runs continuously uninterrupted. This is the reason that everything in this world is ever changing.
We can see that in all the religions, disappointment and alienation towards God have reached its peak. People of all religions have almost revolted against religious teachers.
The change of era is related to the complete evolution of the entire human race. According to Vedic philosophy, with the descent of the tenth Avatar and after His disappearance, ‘Kaliyug’ (Iron age) will end and ‘Satyug’ (the age of Truth) will begin.
The followers of Jainism try to control their desires through external rituals which is an impossible task. This is possible only by the awakening of the inner power.
Jesus was the ‘son of a woman’ and will return as the ‘son of a man’.
I was orphaned on the 3rd of January 1988 when my mother left this world forever. When I was only three years old, my father died, and my mother took the role of both parents and worked tirelessly.
Almost all the religions in the world accept that everything in the universe has originated from the ‘word’. According to Hindi philosophy, the universe has been created from the word ‘Om’.
In the fourth chapter of the Bhagwat Geeta, Bhagwan Shri Krishna has clearly indicated to Arjun that he descents in every era.
At the present time, in all religions, a particular class has declared itself to be the proprietor of religion.
History is witness to the fact that many atrocities have been done against Hindus and Jews for a long period of time on this earth.
The change of era is a firm principle of nature. When Sat-Yug, Treta-Yug and Dwapar-Yug did not last forever then how can Kali-Yug, which is of a shorter duration, last forever?
According to Bible, the comforter who will baptize with the Holy Ghost (Shaktipat Initiation), will do so for all the people of the world.
Due to the qualities of Kaliyug, the truth has almost disappeared from the spiritual-world in the present time.
The spiritual reason for the gruesome genocide in the world is the descent of the Supreme element into the terrestrial consciousness.
The extent to which spirituality has declined in this era probably has never happened before.
In this age of ‘Kaliyug’, the word ‘salvation’ represents a hypothetical situation only.
Maharishi Aurobindo had prophesied that God will incarnate on the holy land of India.
I have already said from the very beginning that it is impossible to have peace in the world unless and until the divine science that can understand the human body doesn’t appear.
The wheel of time has been running since time immemorial and will continue to do so. Change of era is an unrelenting principle of nature.
I was hesitating to come before the world but the Supreme Power forced me to function according to HIS will from physical and spiritual point of view.
The man of today doesn’t believe in any meaningless talk that doesn’t give any result. The scientific achievements have given awareness to the man of this age. He demands instant results.
According to sages, this whole world is only an extension of God. It is only the Power of God that is working in various forms. Physical science also accepts that the gross has originated from the subtle hence the reason for the origin of this world is the Formless Power.
In this age, the actual meaning of ‘Adhyatmic Satsang’ has almost disappeared. There are various ways like ‘Bhajan’ (singing the glories of God), listening to scriptures (Katha), preaching etc. that are prevalent in the name of ‘Satsang’.
This whole world is a vast form of the same God. In this relation Bhagwan Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Geeta has said...
Almost all the methods of worship that are prevalent today involve the process of tormenting the body. There are methods that involve tormenting the body in severe summer and winter.
One Supreme Power alone is manifesting in different forms in the world. Clarifying this further, Bhagwan Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Geeta has said-
Those who are called ‘Hindu’ by the people of the world are actually ‘Vedantis’. According to Swami Vivekananda Ji, there is no religion called ‘Hindu’; this is just an aberration of the word ‘Sindhu’.
The progress that has so far been made in the physical and spiritual world is due to a living and conscious power. Lifeless and unconscious things are not capable of doing any good or bad. The living conscious power can make use of it the way it wants