An enlightened Spiritual Master forever looks after the welfare of the disciple in the physical world as well as acts as a bridge on the spiritual path to unite the disciple with the Supreme Power. Guru's altruistic love and infinite grace is incomparable and unconditional. This way a disciple is forever indebted to his Spiritual Master and can only express his gratitude for this good fortune by offering a Dakshina.
Dakshina could be in the form of money, physical work or service by way of spreading Guru's message to others interested in Self Realization. This offering should be voluntary as a Guru doesn't ask for it.
There is no standard way in which a disciple should offer Dakshina. This depends largely on the disciple's gratitude for the Guru, besides his monetary or material position.
An enlightened and empowered Spiritual Master Gurudev Siyag happily accepts a flower, fruit, leaf or even water offered with pure love and gratitude. A disciple's spiritual worth is not decided by how much and what he offers to his Guru, but how deeply he feels grateful for the Guru's grace in his spiritual journey.
The offering could be a rupee, a penny or even a flower. But this gift has to be given wholeheartedly, only then does the Guru accept it.
People think they are giving donation to the Guru but the truth is that the Guru is never in need of anything. By givng donation to the Guru, a disciple is only expressing his sincere and deep gratitude towards the Guru.
To help in spreading Gurudev Siyag's Siddha Yoga, contributions can be made to the organisation. Given below are the details:
A/C Name: Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra
A/C No. : 34033768041
Bank : State Bank of India
Branch : Chopasani Housing Board, Jodhpur (C.H.B )
IFSC Code : SBIN0012846